MD5 hasher

An Alfred Workflow

Short Description

Simple Alfred 2 workflow for generating .htpasswd string, or simply to generate md5 hash from given string

Last Updated

10 Sep 2015


Mountain Lion
Snow Leopard
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes



Bundle ID



Generating MD5 hashed string:

Activate alfred (for me this is cmd+space) Enter md5 keyword Enter desired string Done, alfred will copy md5 into your clipboard and try to paste it for you

.Htpasswd generator:

If you need to password protect part of your web site using .htaccess, chances are that you will need this generator (Cpanel users have builtin GUI for this :) )

Sure, there are online generators that can solve this, but there is more elegant way - Alfred :)

To generate user that will have access to protected folder, you will need to define user and password in following format user:password and that is exactly what we will generate with this workflow

Activate alfred (again, for me this is cmd+space) Enter htpass keyword Enter desired username and password separated with space and hit enter Done, alfred will copy md5 into your clipboard and try to paste it for you

