The emoji taco worfklow will extract the most up to date Emoji list from and generate emojis for you.
You can run it with e to search for emoji
and you can use init emoji to initialize the emoji list
When viewing results you can use the following options:
- alt/option (⌥) - Show Unicode Values
- cmd (⌘) - Show Python String
- ctrl (⌃) - Show Python String decoded
- shift (⇧) - Display the image in QuickLook
Now supports the new iOS 10 emoji however they may not display on OSX because Sierra is not out yet. The advantage of this workflow over all the other emoji workflows is that as Unicdoe adds more emoji if you regenerate they should automatically be included in the workflow. Some emoji cannot be displayed on OSX and there is support for them, however, you wont really see anything if you use them. ALthough they will render on Android.