Alfred npm search

An Alfred Workflow

Short Description

Alfred workflow to search for npm package using npms API.

Last Updated

18 Feb 2017


Mountain Lion
Snow Leopard
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes



Bundle ID


Alfred npm search

Alfred workflow to search for npm package using npms API.


This workflow is written in Node as JavaScript is the only language that I know — I'm more than happy to accept any pull request that ports this workflow to more "user friendly" language. To make it work, node needs to be installed on your machine. To confirm that you have it installed open a Terminal app and type node -v that shows a version on installed interpreter or alert "command not found" which means that you need to install it.

How to use

  1. Open Alfred App
  2. Type npm
  3. Pass an argument to a script (name of a package)
  4. Wait for results
  5. Then:

    • Return to open on npm website
    • cmd + c to copy a link.
    • Hold cmd to open package on Github
    • Hold alt to open issues

Future improvements

  • [ ] I'm open for suggestions
