Spotlight like theme.
Dark Mode
(Alfred Theme)
An minimal Alfred theme inspired by the Dark Mode in OS X Yosemite. Best used with blur max.
Have fun.
8 (Dark)
(Alfred Theme)
(Alfred Theme)
(Alfred Theme)
(Alfred Theme)
Lookfar Solarized Dark
(Alfred Theme)
Inspired by Ethan Schoonover's Solarized system, Lookfar Solarized Dark is a minimal light theme with sharp corners and transparency.
This can be paired with the complimentary Lookfar Solarized Light theme for day/night switching.
Lookfar Solarized Light
(Alfred Theme)
Inspired by Ethan Schoonover's Solarized system, Lookfar Solarized Light is a minimal light theme with sharp corners and transparency.
This can be paired with the complimentary Lookfar Solarized Dark theme for day/night switching.