
OS X Spotlight

(Alfred Theme)

Spotlight like theme.

Dark Mode

(Alfred Theme)

An minimal Alfred theme inspired by the Dark Mode in OS X Yosemite. Best used with blur max.

Have fun.


8 (Dark)

(Alfred Theme)

Alfred 2.4+ only.

Best used with Window Blur set to maximum under Appearance ➜ Options



(Alfred Theme)

Alfred 2.4+ only.

Best used with Window Blur set to maximum under Appearance ➜ Options



(Alfred Theme)

Simple dark theme, based on default dark theme but with less accents.

Modern Alfred

(Alfred Theme)

The Alfred default theme without the border and the needless elements.


(Alfred Theme)

A straightforward, sharp, and monochromatic theme for the discerning Alfredoan.


(Alfred Theme)

Concentrate on what you search for rather than what strange colors apperar when you open Alfred.

Lookfar Solarized Dark

(Alfred Theme)

Inspired by Ethan Schoonover's Solarized system, Lookfar Solarized Dark is a minimal light theme with sharp corners and transparency.

This can be paired with the complimentary Lookfar Solarized Light theme for day/night switching.

Lookfar Solarized Light

(Alfred Theme)

Inspired by Ethan Schoonover's Solarized system, Lookfar Solarized Light is a minimal light theme with sharp corners and transparency.

This can be paired with the complimentary Lookfar Solarized Dark theme for day/night switching.


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