Theme List

Tiny theme

Simple, minimalistic, bright and light. Best used with blur.

Elegant v4

Elegant Theme v4 I made myself… :D

Solarized Compliant Dark Theme

This theme is entirely compliant with Ethan Schoonover's Solarized specification. While some themes may incorrectly use accent colors to highlight each result, this theme uses the base 02 highlight color to highlight...

Wild-Cherry Dark Theme

This theme is based on the Sublime Text and iTerm2 Wild-Cherry Theme.

Wild-Cherry Light Theme

This is my first attempt at a theme. I based it on the Sublime and iTerm2 Text Wild-Cherry Themes.

Paraiso Dark

Matches the Paraiso Dark theme:

Nickel Cobalt

Hi there...I'm a graphic designer and music composer  i spend some times to come down from my works in design like GUI`s i was a member of an great deskmodding group "Hollywood GUI" we make great...


NFL's Seattle Seahawk's team colors with a transparent background.

Seafoam Blue

Transparent Turquoises layered.  With blue accents.

Cincinnati Reds

A Cincinnati Reds theme, using the official CMYK colors. #GoReds


A minimalistic dark theme for Alfred :).

Pedram Simple

Simple, minimal display for Alfred.

Boilerplate (v3)

[UPDATED - includes link for Alfred 3 theme] A dark theme with a bold selected text background inspired by HTML5Boilerplate, which sadly no longer uses hot pink to let you know you've got some text selected....

Solarized Light Small

A light theme based on the Solarized colour scheme with smaller fonts.

Solarized Light

A light theme based on the Solarized colour scheme.

Solarized Dark Small

A dark theme based on the Solarized colour scheme using smaller fonts.

Solarized Dark

A dark theme based on the Solarized colour scheme.

Essen by Day

Light blue on white.

Node JS Theme

Theme inspired by the Node Js logo. Reference:

Dracula Theme

An alfred theme inspired by Zeno Rocha's Sublime Text theme. References:  


Random name for a pretty theme

YOSEMITE - best design theme for MacOS 10.10 by i-NOVATiON

Enjoy clean design: Yosemite i-NOVATiON Theme best yosemite style great typo design clean and transparent design Have fun using our theme!!!   i-NOVATiON - mobile & web applications...

Standard Yosemite

Colors from Yosemite strandard developer colors. "Selected Menu Item" blue, "Secondary Label" gray. 

Predawn Twilight

I created a simplified Predawn theme with the Twilight orange instead of the default orange. Matches the color values exactly.


Inspired by the [predawn-ui]( theme for Atom and Sublime Text.


Simple light theme with lots of space.

Code Neue

# Code Neue theme ## Blurring Make sure you're running the latest pre-release (Updates tab in Alfred Preferences). Enable Window Blur in Appearance > Options - I set it to max.  

Code theme

Code / monospaced theme for Alfred

Monokai Reloaded

Another Monokai theme based on the new OS X Yosemite Dark Theme


My go-to theme for Alfred. Simple text, clean design, inverted blue highlighting, and larger text than normal — to make better use of the space!

OS X Yosemite Dark Transparent

Install by downloading the theme and double clicking it. Make sure you're running the latest pre-release (Updates tab in Alfred Preferences). Enable Window Blur in Appearance > Options - I set it to max....

8 (Dark)

Alfred 2.4+ only. Best used with Window Blur set to maximum under Appearance ➜ Options  


Alfred 2.4+ only. Best used with Window Blur set to maximum under Appearance ➜ Options  


A minimalistic and beautiful theme.

Light and Smooth 2.0

A light theme for alfred that uses the font color instead of the background to highlight an element.


Simple dark theme, based on default dark theme but with less accents.


transparent theme with a soft, vintage feel to it. easy on the eyes

Modern Alfred

The Alfred default theme without the border and the needless elements.


A simple teal theme

Control Command Escape

Based on the colour scheme of Control Command Escape

Alfred Expert

Here's a new theme I conceived as something of an experiment. You won't see anything you type, just a single result (you can still use the up and down keys though). For power users only!

The Mystery Machine (Scooby-doo)

Theme based on The Mystery Machine from Scooby-doo.

Dark Minimalism

Charcoal with clear blue highlights      

Better Yosemite Spotlight

Yosemite spotlight for power users!


# Cobalt 2 theme for Alfred Super great theme for [Alfred]( Based on the [Cobalt2 theme for Sublime Text]( Enjoy! # Screenshots Nice, eh? ###...

Manchester United

A theme based on Manchester United colors.

Philadelphia Phillies

The Philadelphia Phillies team colors, their own brand of red, white and blue.


A straightforward, sharp, and monochromatic theme for the discerning Alfredoan.

Modern Glassware

used with alfred workflows blur *I think it would be perfect with Yosemite

Clean Dark Theme

A very clean and dark theme by [k9ordon]( Best use with [Blur Workflow]( by TylerEich

Natural Wood

This theme goes hand-in-hand with the theme on called Natural Wood. Check it out here:

Ubuntu Ambiance Theme

This is a theme I created to mimic Ubuntu's Ambiance Theme. It also is set to a size proportional to that of Sublime Text's ⌘⇧P drop-down, so if you set Alfred to be at the top, center of your screen, it will look very...


A white-on-transparent theme. Looks great with a high blur setting. It's unreadable without one.

Subtle Earth Tones

A simple and clean look with soft earth tones, light brown search box, pale green selection highlight, all on a slight off-white background.


Classic white background with a navy blue selection with red shortcuts/scrollbar.


A revamp of the *beautiful* **dark** and *transparent* SmokeHUD. Designed to work with all background colors and provide a modern feel.

Programmer's Solarized Dark

This is a theme using [Ethan Schnoover's Solarized color scheme](, with the proper background and foreground sets. Additionally, it defaults to Menlo, as we programmers like our...

Dull Light

A *beautiful* rendering of **dark** greys with a bold result heading. *derivative of kuro*


Dark with a little pastel trim


Concentrate on what you search for rather than what strange colors apperar when you open Alfred.