Directory Processing Workflow

An Alfred Workflow

Short Description

Sequentially running through the directories or files in a given directory.

Last Updated

02 Jun 2015


Mountain Lion
Snow Leopard
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes



Bundle ID



This workflow is for sequentially going through the contents of a directory. You can get entries for file and directory separately. The are counted independently.

Set Processing Directory This file action only appears on directories in the Alfred browser. It will set the directory that is being processed. Both file and directory counters get reset with this action.

dp:nextfile This command will put the next file in the processing directory to the clipboard and to notifications.

dp:showdir This command shows the directory currently being processed.

dp:reset This resets the counts for the current file and directory.

dp:nextdir This command will put the next directory in the processing directory to the clipboard and to notifications.

This is distributed under the MIT license.