
An Alfred Workflow

Short Description

Switch between or close iTerm windows, tabs and panes based on title and tty

Last Updated

09 Sep 2017


Mountain Lion
Snow Leopard
Yes No No No No



Bundle ID



^tty workflow for Alfred

A JXA-based workflow for Alfred Powerpack users to quickly switch between or close iTerm windows, tabs and panes based on title and tty.




Type tty in Alfred followed by some characters from the title of an open window, tab or pane; press Enter to activate the selected window/tab/pane, or Alt-Enterto close it. For example, entertty as3to switch to a tab with the titleuser@azure-server-03`.

In order to make working with more than one window/tab/pane with the same title easier, the tty is displayed beneath the result, and can be provided as a second argument to the trigger. For example, enter tty lo 3 to select the the session with title localhost running on /dev/ttys003.

To select by tty alone, use two spaces between the trigger and the tty number. For example, tty 4 will select /dev/ttys004.

Optionally associate a hotkey trigger to further accelerate operation, e.g. Ctrl+Alt+T.

Combine with an iTerm2 profile configured as ssh protocol handler (e.g. "Name"=$$USER$$@$$HOST$$, "Command"=$$ and "Schemes handled"=ssh) and an alfred-ssh workflow to make opening and jumping between remote sessions across many windows, tabs and panes easy.