
Packal (beta) puts Alfred Workflows and Themes at your fingertips.

Offering you 1639 Workflows and 211 Themes.

Random Workflows

Allows you to navigate HipChat rooms and IM's from within Alfred
Alfred's gitignore workflow, automatically generate gitignore content through template,...
DS_Store Cleaner
Clean DS_Store files from the active Filder folder
Set up custom timers. Pomodoro support.
Bitcoin Exchange Rates
Request current bitcoin exchange rate from blockchain.info

New Workflows

Lastpass Search
Search LastPass for usernames, sites and passwords
Remove plain background from images using the removebg API.
Hotcorners toggle
Toggle hotcorners
Kill the desired port
Emoji Wine
Find the most refined emojis

Random Themes

An Old Hope
Hi there, I created a theme based on the [developer theme - An Old Hope](https://github.com/dustinsanders/an-old-hope-...
Alfred Forum
A large type, bold theme based on the Alfred Forum color scheme.
Pedram Simple
Simple, minimal display for Alfred.
Kimbie Light
An Alfred theme inspired by the Mount Kimbie album Cold Spring Fault Less Youth.
Programmer's Solarized Dark
This is a theme using [Ethan Schnoover's Solarized color scheme](http://...

Top Contributors

vitor's picture
(52 contributions)
raguay's picture
(51 contributions)
deanishe's picture
(33 contributions)
Shawn Patrick Rice's picture
(29 contributions)
pirafrank's picture
(15 contributions)